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Welcome to Brading Community Archive

Situated in the east of the Isle of Wight, Brading lies on the road between Ryde and Sandown. The site of the town at the head of a navigable inlet was known to the Romans who built a villa nearby. The town grew steadily through the centuries as a trading centre with the little quay on the harbour in operation until the coming of the railways.

This website and its contents are protected under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

Copyright © Brading Community Archive Group

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This resource is freely accessible by the general public with the aim of increasing their knowledge of the history and heritage of Brading, but restrictions apply to its use.

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Brading Community Archive Group have been sucessful in applying for a Heritage Lottery Fund Grant for the Unlocking Our Vaults project. Through the generosity of National Lottery players, we will be training volunteers to unlock our community’s heritage of documents and photographs held by our Project Partners Brading Town Trust and Brading Town Council, as well as your own family’s history and making them available on our new Brading Community Archive website.

Please browse through our collections to discover the proud heritage of your town. History is all around us and every day it is being made. If you have anything that will be of interest in the future please contact us so it can be stored on our living website.

Oral History

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